In a sleepy provincial town Olga, Masha, and Irina dream of a life of excitement, freedom and meaning. All they have to do is move home to Moscow. Instead, they find themselves trapped in a suffocating house where time seems to stand still. As the days turn into years, their youthful dreams of love, excitement, and freedom gradually fizzle.
Three Sisters is a tender portrait of a family grappling with the bittersweet distance between dreams and reality.
Matthew Abotomey, Meg Bennetts, Alex Bryant-Smith, Nicola Denton, Barry French, Sarah Greenwood, Jessie Lancaster, Alice Livingstone, Ciaran O’Riordan, Mason Phoumirath, and Joseph Tanti
Producer and Director: Victor Kalka
Assistant Director: Talia Benatar
Lighting Designer: Jasmin Borsovszky
Sound Designer: Patrick Howard
An approx running time: 120 Minutes, including intermission